【同义词辨析】 2017-05-23 打击strike-punch

strike: basically may imply the aiming and dealing of a blow with the hand or with a weapon or tool and usually with moderate or heavy force: ~ a nail with a hammer.      to deal a blow是固定搭配,给予打击,blow之前可以加定语,如to deal a sharp/heavy/resounding/death/fatal blow to给予猛烈/沉重/响亮/致命的一击

hit: is likely to stress the impact of the blow or the reacting of the target aimed at: ~ a snake with a stick.

smite: somewhat rhetoric and bookish, is likely to stress the injuriousness and destructiveness of the contact and to suggest such motivations as hot anger or a desire for a vengeance: fell as if ~ten by a heavy blow.    (vengeance复仇with a vengeance猛烈激烈,如it was raining with a vengeance很大)

slap: primarily applies to a striking with the open hand and implies a sharp or stinging blow with or as if with the palm of the hand: waves ~ against the boat.

swat: suggests a forceful slapping blow with an instrument such as a flyswatter or a bat: ~ a baseball out of the ballpark.

punch: implies a quick sharp blow with or as if with the fist: ~ a man in the nose.

strike打击: 表示瞄准目标用手或武器工具用力打,hit也是打击: 强调打击的冲击力和目标的反应(impact冲击,react),smite重击重创: 较修辞书面,强调打击的毁灭破坏性,如出于愤怒或复仇,slap拍打: 指用手掌快速地打,使人疼痛,swat也是拍打: 用苍蝇拍球拍等工具用力拍打(forceful slap),punch拳打: 用拳头(quick,sharp都形容快,不必翻译)

记忆方法: 1)首字母SHSSSP的4S想成四海HP想成和平四海和平<==()江山

         2) 练习一下

         2)打击的意思是快速地打mean to bring or come into contact with a sharp blow.首字母SHSSSP的4S想成四海HP想成和平四海和平<==()江山   (blow作为基础词表示打击he went off to hospital after a blow to the face他脸部受重击之后就去了医院)